↳ Context
HP was rolling out product lines for Docks & Displays, as well as Securities. The brief was to create a campaign for each category with scroll-stopping content to drive consideration for a range of 3x products / features each due to their distinctive potential to improve workflow and privacy.
↳ Execution
For Docks & Displays, we developed a concept around “Reality. Meet Expectations.” This campaign followed a story arc of 3x scenes: Expectation, Reality & Expectation Meet Reality. Through this narrative the videos reveal how the products are device agnostic, help reduce complexity and clutter, and improves the workspace. For Securities, we developed a concept around “PROBLEM. ACTION. RESOLUTION.” The campaign featured a story arc that revealed a threat, added some context, and then offered the solution provided by HP. The content heroes HP’s ability to tackle the high-risk, evolving threats of tomorrow. The examples shown are only a smattering of a much larger campaign rollout including cutdowns, statics and various social experiences.